Role of farmers in controlling Power theft.

Role of farmers in controlling Power theft.

For agriculture in Indian subcontinent, unmetered electricity supply is provided in almost of the states. For many states, actual power theft and unmetered electricity cannot be differentiated and distribution loss can be regarded as surrogate to Power theft in many utilities that do not care for efficient distribution.

After the introduction of Electricity Act 2003, and consequent attention on privatization, there was a shift in perception of policy makers ie whether electricity is a commercial commodity or in service sector?

Farmers are back born of all society. And they require ground water in bulk quantity which is depleting lastly. During early 1970s, Government of India has introduced free electricity to support Green Revolution.

Many decades have passed, many laws scrapped and Discoms privatized, but electricity is still stolen. In the Border District of Punjab, Power theft is rampant, especially for tube well in agriculture. Government of Punjab is on the process of waiving of millions worth electricity charges to Domestic sector crippling the power sector.

Punjab Chief Minister has expressed profound apprehension over the distressing tendency of power theft, which he worried the essential to control, in order to make PSPCL carefully workable, pointing that the situation was alarming. The Chief Minister appealed the farmers to bring any occurrence of power theft to the enforcement wing of Discom. Hope that Co-ordinated efforts of District Administration and Police, together with Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) would bring fruitful results.

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