A man in Taiwan has been arrested for stealing electricity to mine Bitcoin

A man in Taiwan has been charged for using a sizable sum of NT$ to mine around £11.5 million in bitcoin and ether, CCN reported yesterday.

Drawing from an article published by EBC Dongsen News on Wednesday, the report says the bitcoin miner used NT$100 million (or about £2.5 million)’s worth of stolen electricity, to mine a total of 100 million yuan. That equates to £11, 509, 834.36 at the time of reporting.

The man – who was identified by his surname, Yang – allegedly accumulated the sum using 17 illegal crypto mining buildings disguised as Internet cafes and toy shops across the Xinbei, Taoyuan, and Hsinchu regions of Taiwan. He rented store spaces, gave them a fake storefront, and rerouted their power supply to funnel the electricity into the hidden miners.

The operation was ultimately exposed by national electricity company Taiwan Power, after looking into an issue with the power supply in one of the fake stores. As explained in the CCN report, the company concluded that the electricity meters had been tampered with to ensure the stores weren’t charged.[ Charlie Nicholson | CryptoNews ]

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