Tenant wets up landlord in dispute over stolen electricity

A young woman was hauled before the court for dousing her landlord with water after she was confronted about bridging electricity at the premises.

Tamoy Jobson, 22, was arrested and charged with assault at common-law after she assaulted her landlord during an argument in January at the complainant’s property off Molynes Road in Kingston

On Friday when she appeared in court she pleaded guilty but claimed the complainant had shoved her and she retaliated by throwing the water on her.

“You pushed her maam?” Senior Parish Judge Vaughn Smith asked the complainant.

“No,” she replied, while adding that Jobson has since moved out.

“If she apologised will you be satisfied?” the judge then asked the landlord who then indicated that she was owed $36,000 for damage done to her house.

She further told the court that the complainant had broken two doors, destroyed the bathroom sink with acid and had put things on the wall.

Jobson when questioned about the claim told the judges that she and the landlord had already spoken about the damage and that she had agreed to pay her but had also wanted to see the damage for herself, as she was sharing the premises with someone.

The landlord, however, told the court that she had already paid for the repairs and just wanted to be compensated for the money that she spent.

Consequently, the judge told Jobson that seeing the damage was now out of the question and asked her if she wanted to have a look at the receipt for the work done instead but she refused, stating that she will pay the money but needed time as she was currently unemployed.

March 21 was subsequently set for her to return to court with the money and her bail was extended.[Jamaica Observer]

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